To each man, for that is important to the quality of the sexual life, he surely has a clear idea of a penis. Desires, the details may vary, however, the large size remains in the priority, perhaps, to all. Small length and girth of your dignity of man are a major cause of complexes and fixed ideas on how to increase the penis at home. Why in the house? Such an intimate problem, it is not customary to disclose, in addition, if there is the possibility to decide for themselves, without the intervention of third parties— why not try?
The increase in the member of the house real or a myth?
The small member does not all, and not worth noting this issue only as "the inability of use". About the improvement of the condition of the home of a member, it is not worth to ask who is falling — the majority refers to this idea skeptical. However, the skepticism in vain — the scientific progress leads to the emergence of increasingly effective and penis enlargement methods in the home. In the member virtually no muscle tissues, and "works" he hydraulic principle. The ability to stretch and the change of volume under pressure, creates opportunities to enlarge the penis.
It is rumored that only 2 months of meeting with a very narrow hole male sexual organ can decrease. This claim is unlikely the truth, however, the change of size in the large part not exactly that is a myth. Systematic execution of these actions, in particular, of the special exercises, effective tools, and proven tools already in a little will allow you to grow to answer the question, is it possible to enlarge the member of the house. And the answer will be "yes", but only with the right approach.
Home remedies
On the internet we find the mass of articles on how to enlarge penis in home remedies and methods. However, the effectiveness of the alternative medicine in question, although customers of some men, bent on the "old-fashioned" experiments, talk about the positive result.
The sodium bicarbonate
Some put compresses with soda and honey, others make the hot soda solution, and soda scrub. Also the sodium bicarbonate can be taken orally. Effectiveness is not proven and is highly questionable.
The decoctions of herbs
It uses the decoction of wormwood, you can also prepare the garlic tincture (200 g of garlic, 250 ml of alcohol of good quality), the infusion with thyme (100 g in 300 ml of boiling water).
One of the most well-known forms popular — chafing sexual organ of the aloe vera juice, juice of "adult" leaves (that must be cut at the roots). The alternative — the tincture horse chestnut, that you can cook or buy in a regular pharmacy. Infusions of root, ginseng root, ginkgo, and of the fruits of the hawthorn — also in the list of non-traditional means "of the medicine".
In the case of remedies, you do so at your own risk. Using different methods of penis enlargement of the house, the man must realize that actually forms of work should be confirmed by research and proven to a scientific level.
Creams, gels, pills,
Special gels, creams, sprays, pills and supplements for the growth of the male organ are effective questionable and affect the quality of the sexual life of men, which throughout his "team". The natural way you can achieve the enlargement of the penis, stimulating the growth of tissues and division of cells.
Therefore, these medications show the efficiency only when you use the "paired" with other methodologies, that really give the result, confirmed by the research and the actual experience of men.
Exercises jelqing (jelq)
The method of penis enlargement jelqing came to us with the middle east. Few know it, but in reality it is an ancient Arabic of the methodology, which is a manipulation of sexual of the authority, similar to the milking. Distinguish dry, wet jelqing and with compression. In all cases results in the stretching of the male organ with the hands.
The variations of these exercises is much, however, is not the "secrets" of the formulas or universal program does not exist. Pick up the program should be individual and the stop is in the that will indicate the effectiveness in your case. The reaction of the body to different loads of the main point of reference.
Initially deal with jelqing should be in the semi-erection and then increase the intensity of the employment on account of the erect state. Encourage self-discipline, you do these exercises regularly and observe the growth slow.
As occurs throughout the process:
- treat oily skin (applies to beginners);
- then, create a ring of score called the index and the thumb at the base.
- tight beam of the circumference of a member of ok-grabbed;
- pinch the shaft of the penis and driving the blood towards the head;
- when the hand approaches the head, from second hand to make ok-grip at the base. The first hand has reached the head — is released, the second starts to move.
An approach should last about 10 minutes, composed by about 250 iterations. In general, the most important classes last for about 40 minutes a day, and in this time includes not only the jelq, but also other exercises for the most varied of the load. The remarkable growth in terms of, by what must be configured on the same piece of work over many months and years.
At home enlarge the penis without pain by using the jelqing? To avoid pain and injury, saves the average of the rate and the rhythm, previous, start with wet jelqing. After 6-8 weeks of regular workouts worth to increase the erection of new and more important classes between 50 and 70%. Jelqing is perfectly combinable with the stretching.
Let's see some more of a technician jelqing.
Involves an impact to the head. Join finger of a rating called the index and the thumb, and by the slow movements we send the blood to the head, where should I place the hand for about ten seconds.
The return of jelq
With the help of a hand-organ obkladyvaetsja in the base, the other around the head. Hereinafter, pulling of erect organ before the foundation. And so, the 30 repetitions.
In addition to the possibility of extending the "apparatus", with the application of different techniques of exercises, we can observe the following improvements:
- the better circulation of the blood in the penis;
- firmer and improves erection;
- the solution of the premature ejaculation;
- increase sexual stamina;
- the greater control of the erection.
In forums and blogs they write, how they can enlarge the member in the household up to 5 centimeters long and up to 3 — in the volume: "In the application of different techniques of jelqing and a intimate massage needs dedication and discipline". Of course, these values have an individual character, and are presented here record numbers (possibly, the gap of men like to exaggerate). But, as a minimum, a long massage helps to significantly improve the sexual life of men.
All manipulations are performed with the hands. Its goal is systematic of movement, from slow efforts. Painful reaction of the penis will occur only at the wrong time, too much intense strain.
Jai-stretching of the tension in the member forward for 2 seconds (stretching of ligaments of the penis and PC-muscle), showing the alternating weakening of 2 seconds. Perform 20 repetitions, the level of erection — from 0% to 40%. The training time is approximately 5 minutes or a certain number of approaches. In the topics on how to increase the member of the house with the help of the stretch marks, the users of the forums recommend to combine the technique with breathing practices.
The primary complex (A, V and an inverted V-stretch) involves the capture of the trunk of the penis in any place (but not the head), smooth traction forward with the retention of the stretched position for half a minute. To restore the blood flow occurs by the elbows, penis in the leg. Stretch the sex organ in different directions of 30 seconds.
As in the case of other techniques of exercises and massage, with the passage of the months of training, you can see a little bit the result of an increase in of child-bearing age, of the authority. More positive changes in the sexual life of men.
The suspension of the charging men to the authority gives a tangible effect in comparison with the exercises and techniques manual type, but, on the other hand, there is the possibility of damage to the penis. Not worth to hang too much weight, take into account the design of the national liberation to the head — should not be traumatic. The short period of lead, in any case, not worth paying for, with more loads of work.
There are specially designed models of the suspension — hangery useful with a weight of about 1.25 kg in vacuum of support. Are they, the experts recommend the use of suspensions. The head is confirmed convenient camera, all the risks are reduced to virtually zero.
Water pump
Another way of how to enlarge the penis at home without creams, manual action, and operations — the use of pumps. The purpose is to create a good erection, however, it must be remembered that the prolonged of the penis in the vacuum causes damage to the skin and strong swellings.
Gidropony, unlike pumps, do not allow the contact of the skin with the vacuum, therefore, lead to a better and more long-distention of the tissues. The hot water is ok heating the tissue and helps to improve the elasticity. The hidropompa is able to give a temporary results (allows you to increase the member in a 10-15% just before having sex) or set your when used as a complement to the extenders.
The application of gidropony separately with a small, slow growth in penis girth and length, and the first results (always and when the most important classes daily, for a duration of 20 minutes), only visible after 3-4 months. Are possible side, or the negative results.
Homemade way to lengthen the penis of the authority, whose effectiveness is demonstrated by multiple studies, — use of the extender. In addition to lengthening the penis, this allows to correct the curvature. For several hours to bring the tissue of the penis stretch and grow, eliminating the tension. Therefore, the use of an extender allows the men to have a few inches for the whole life.
What ğsemántica of the results? This depends directly on the characteristics of your body, the regularity and the total time of use. In the last 10 years there have been many studies that have proven the effectiveness of the application of extenders.
The study of d. Levine in 2008, the Aim of the research was to study the influence of the traction — deformation of a member extender, in the process of treatment of peyronie's disease. In 6 months you get the result in the form of smoothing in the 33°, and in addition, the investigation have revealed an increase of the length of the penis in the 1-2,5 cm, perimeter of 0.5–1 cm
The study of d. They had in 2009, all-wheel drive traction of an apparatus of 5 hours a day for 6 months, showed the result in the form of straightening of the penis, up to the 27 to 31° c, with an extension of 1.7 see 12 months after the start of the research it was found that the results obtained are set.
In 2010, the Day they had carried a total of 11 studies in the framework of the celebration of which has been proven to increase the penis through the use of extenders, and confirms its effectiveness.
The study of d. Nimobuhita in 2011, of Patients who have used the extender for 4-6 hours a day during the first two weeks. From then and until the end of the 3rd month daily time using the was 9 hours. It achieved an increase in penis length by an average of 1.7 see
The study of and. moncada in the year 2019 Is the most ambitious study of all the made up to that point. The number of investigated — 93, the period of 12 weeks. Received the straightening in an average of 31.2°, the elongation of 1.8 cm (the maximum result is 3 cm).
After 6-8 months of heavy use extender you can achieve:
- the increase of the length;
- thickening of the penis (increasing the circumference);
- increase libido;
- extend the time of the sexual relationship.
If you are using a device with a 'strap racks also increases the foreskin (you can use for your enlargement, if necessary).
How to increase the member of the house using an extender, if you have never resorted to methods? For a start, it is important to follow a program of adaptation to stress. During the first few months should increase the number of hours per day, take an hour before six, and the tension strength — 200 g up to 1150, In the early stages, it is not possible to use methods of weights, and here is to make a stretcher or hanger (suspension), can.
A cycle of wearing the should last at least 60 minutes, but not more than 3 hours, after which it needs a rest for the recovery of the circulation of the blood. To get a good result, the total time of port, you should be 6 hours a day, and the cycles do not have to be long, but the more one of the approaches is better (a set of not more than 3 hours). Is support rare or omission, although recommended daily training.
Why enlarge penis at home extender as possible and safely? Many of the other methods that can be used, without leaving the house, the use of an extender is different because it does not refer to pseudoscientific or folk medicine. The effectiveness of this form, is confirmed not opinions of the forum members or bloggers and actual research, which involved thousands of men. The use of such a device does not lead to complications, it does not damage the vessel, you can be very comfortable and without pain, if, of course, choose the "right" of an extender. The wear and tear can be unnoticeable, as in the work, on the road, on the journey, making daily household affairs. This is one of the few surgical techniques, that is able to give a result instead of waiting traditional houses unjustified. Important to ensure that there are no individual contraindications.
The result of a more reliable method?
Using gels, creams, special foods, Badi and of the tablet, you can achieve the stimulation of blood flow, the enhancement of the erection, renewal intimate act, and, in general, a better self-control during sex. These penis enlargement methods in the home to create the conditions for growth, which stimulates your.
By doing special exercises, difficult to massage, regular jelqing and performance suspension, you can expect to see an increase in penis length and girth, but is quite slow.
But as enlarge the penis at home and get the result of the constant without adverse consequences? The experts and doctors, andrólogos recommend users to enjoy the quality of the extenders in a pair with a stretch, and to complement and consolidate the result using the pump and the gidropony as auxiliary devices. And only in an extreme case, it is necessary to resort to the intervention.